Kurt Vonnegut Museum

Push10 Intern Work

Timeline: 4 weeks

Role: Brand Designer & Creative Director

Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Figma, Procreate

During my internship at independent design agency Push10, I was tasked with independently rebranding the Kurt Vonnegut Museum from concept to finished brand guidelines. In its entirety, my rebrand consisted of the logo, color palette, typography, and examples of digital and print applications.

Rebranding the Kurt Vonnegut Museum to revitalize its history and activism.

The Kurt Vonnegut Museum houses artifacts, artwork, a museum store, and literature related to Vonnegut, along with exhibits and galleries dedicated to veteran artists. As part of my internship, I was tasked to rebrand the museum in its entirety, beginning with its logo, and finishing with a completed brand style guide.

I began with making three moodboards in a potential visual exploration before beginning an extensive logo exploration, researching Vonnegut's life and history, studying his illustrations and literary works, and examining the social causes and issues he was outspoken on.


The final logo I decided on utilized the asterisk that appears in Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions that also appears in many of his illustrations and occasionally in his signatures, along with a horizontal line that is also a recurring motif in Vonnegut's illustrations and functions as a balancing component. With the logo, I intended to combine the timelessness of Vonnegut's life and history while giving it a modern look and calling attention to his work as an artist as well.


The graphic system of the asterisk and line can be incorporated into headlines and other major copy text in brand applications, such as seen below. Headlines and related text can be separated by the horizontal line to indicate relation but still maintain separation. The line can also be placed to the right of text and the asterisk placed to the left of text to draw emphasis to text.